Coding Practice

Write a program to calculate employees age | Data Structure

Calculate employees age

Suppose a company keeps a linear array A (1920:1970) such that A[K] contains the number of employees born in year K, write a module/algorithm for the following tasks:

  1. Find the number NUM of years in which no employee was born.
  2. Find the number NUM of employee whose age is not greater 45 years.
  3. Find the number NUM of employees whose age is an even number
  4. Find the average AVG age of the employees.
  5. Find the total number NUM of employee having an age between 40 to 60.

Sample Output
Enter Year(i.e. 1970 to 1990): 1975 1980
Employee Bron
1975: 3
1976: 0
1977: 3
1978: 0
1979: 9
1980: 8
No Employee Was Bron: 2

Employee whose age is not greater 45 years: 6

Employees whose age is an even number: 8

Average age of the employees: 42

Employee having an age between 40 to 60: 6

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 35.168 s
Press any key to continue.
C-Source Code

int main()
    int i, k, from, to, from2, to2, noEmployeeBorn, current = 2020;
    int notGreater45, even, avg, between;

    noEmployeeBorn = notGreater45 = even = avg = between = 0;

    printf("Enter Year(i.e. 1970 to 1990): ");
    scanf("%d %d", &from, &to);

    int employeeBorn[to];

    k = to - from + 1;
    from2 = from;
    to2 = to;

    printf("Employee Bron\n");
    for(i = from; i <= to; i++)
        printf("%d: ", i);
        scanf("%d", &employeeBorn[i]);
    for(i = from2; i <= to2; i++)
        if(employeeBorn[i] == 0)
        if((current - i) <= 45)
        if((current - i) % 2 == 0)
            even = even + employeeBorn[i];
        avg = (avg + (current - i));
        if(((current - i) >= 40) && ((current - i) <= 60))
    printf("No Employee Was Bron: %d\n\nEmployee whose age is not greater 45 years: %d\n\nEmployees whose age is an even number: %d\n\nAverage age of the employees: %d\n\nEmployee having an age between 40 to 60: %d\n\n\n", noEmployeeBorn, notGreater45, even, avg / k, between);

    return 0;
Sample Output
Enter Year(i.e. 1970 to 1990): 1975 1980
Employee Bron
1975: 3
1976: 0
1977: 3
1978: 0
1979: 9
1980: 8
No Employee Was Bron: 2

Employee whose age is not greater 45 years: 6

Employees whose age is an even number: 8

Average age of the employees: 42

Employee having an age between 40 to 60: 6

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 35.168 s
Press any key to continue.

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