Check whether a number is Strong number or not
Sample Output
Enter a number: 145 145 is a Strong number!
Source Code
// Check whether a number is Strong number or not
int main()
int i, number, numberClone, digit, sum = 0, factorial = 1;
printf("Enter a number: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
numberClone = number;
while(number != 0)
digit = (number % 10);
number = (number / 10);
// Sum of the factorial of the individual digits
for(i = 1; i <= digit; i++)
factorial = (factorial * i);
sum = (sum + factorial);
factorial = 1; // Reset value
if(numberClone == sum)
printf("\n%d is a Strong number!\n\n", numberClone);
printf("\n%d is not a Strong number.\n\n", numberClone);
return 0;
Sample Output
Enter a number: 40585 40585 is a Strong number!