Coding Practice

Write appropriate code for the following questions | Problem Solution in C

1. Check the grade of the students based on marks by C language

2. Write a C program using three different User Defined Function (UDF) to compute- 1. Volume or 2. Surface Area of a sphere whose radius is given by the user as the input.

3. Create a program that reads some words and print it all right justified

4. Create a robust encryption system for generate password

5. We have RUNU and JHUNU with us from a distant village of Bangladesh who came to this Dhaka city for the first time. They have a special bag of money which gives them money every morning when they wake up from sleep. Somehow they figure out how much money each day they will be able to get from the magic bag in the next N days

6. I like odd numbers a lot! I know it's your exam but you have to do me a little favor! I will give you a random integer number and you have to make it a Strongly Odd Number and check if it is a prime number or not. A strongly Odd Number is a number where every digit is an odd number. And Prime Number is a number that is divisible only by itself and 1. Write necessary C code for doing the job

7. Write a C Program to check minimum number of turns required

8. You're given all numbers between 1, 2, 3, 4 … n except one. Your task is to find the missing number

9. Write a C Program to check if a Substring is present in the given String

10. Write a C program to generate the following pattern

11. Find how many numbers in a array are greater than the average and then reverse the arrays numbers

12. 12. Write a C Program to check twin string or not

13. Write a C program to split a number and then add all factorial digit

14. Write a C program to convert IP address to 32-bit binary format

15. Write a c program to reverse an array before target number and after target number. i.e. if the array is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and the target number is 4 then it will print 3 2 1 4 7 6 5

16. Write a program in C to print all alphabets using pointer

17. Write a program that construct an Even parity Hamming code

18. Write a program that choose Even parity / Odd parity according to user choose. And accordingly performs Even parity / Odd parity process

19. Write a C program to solve the Drake equation N = R*fp*ne*fl*fi*fc*L. Where R, ne and L must be discrete value

20. Write a C Code to calculate D = 𝒃^𝟐 − 𝟒𝐚𝐜 and show the result according to following conditions:

21. Write a C Code to find total marks from given input: Attendance, Class test, Quiz test, Assignment, Midterm and Final Exam and find the grade using the following method...

22. Take 5 numbers in an array and find all pairs of prime numbers from that array

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