Coding Practice

Write a program in Java to perform the followings conditions - Java Time Example | Java Method Overloading

Write a program in Java to perform the followings

  1. Create a class TimeShow with three private members second, minute and hour.
  2. Design three constructors of the TimeShow class. The first constructor will be a default constructor, the second constructor will receive three different values and the third constructor will receive another object of the same class to initialize the second, minute and hour values of an object.
  3. Design a display method to display the time of the calling object in hours:minutes:seconds format.
  4. Create a TimeExample class and define a main method inside it. Now create three objects of the TimeShow class inside the main method with three different types of initialization.
  5. Display the time of the three objects of TimeShow class.

Sample Output

...Program finished with exit code 0
Press ENTER to exit console.
Source Code
package timeexample;

//Create a class TimeShow with three private members second, minute and hour.
class TimeShow{
    private int hour;
    private int second;
    private int minute;
    //The first constructor will be a default constructor
        hour = 5;
        minute = 16;
        second = 27;
    //The second constructor will receive three different values.
    TimeShow(int x, int y, int z){
        hour = x;
        minute = y;
        second = z;        
    Third constructor will receive another object of the same class to
    initialize the second, minute and hour values of an object.
    TimeShow(TimeShow obj) {
        hour = obj.hour;
        second = obj.second;
        minute = obj.minute;

    /*Design a display method to display the time of the calling object in
      hours:minutes:seconds format.*/
    void displayMethod(){

//Create a TimeExample class and define a main method inside it.
public class TimeExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {       
        /*Now create three objects of the TimeShow class inside the main
            methodwith three different types of initialization.*/
        //Display the time of the three objects of TimeShow class.
        TimeShow obj1 = new TimeShow();
        TimeShow obj2 = new TimeShow(14, 25, 36);
        TimeShow obj3 = new TimeShow(obj2);
Sample Output

...Program finished with exit code 0
Press ENTER to exit console.

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