Coding Practice

Check the grade of the students based on marks by C language

Standard Grading System

GUB follows the UGC suggested uniform grading systems. Here you can check the grade of the students based on marks by C language.

Sample Output
GUB follows the UGC suggested uniform grading systems.
Here you can check the grade of the students based on marks by C language.

Enter marks: 71
Grade: A-
Grade Points: 3.50
Definition: A- is a very good result.

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 16.406 s
Press any key to continue.
Source Code

int main()
    int m;
    printf("GUB follows the UGC suggested uniform grading systems.\nHere you can check the grade of the students based on marks by C language.\n\nEnter marks: ");
    scanf("%d", &m);
    if (m>100 || m<0)
        printf("Wrong entry, because marks between 0-100.\n");
    else if (m>=80 && m<=100)
        printf("Grade: A+\nGrade Points: 4.00\nDefinition: A+ is an excellent result.\n");
    else if (m>=75 && m<=79)
        printf("Grade: A\nGrade Points: 3.75\nDefinition: A is an excellent result.\n");
    else if (m>=70 && m<=74)
        printf("Grade: A-\nGrade Points: 3.50\nDefinition: A- is a very good result.\n");
else if (m>=65 && m<=69)
        printf("Grade: B+\nGrade Points: 3.25\nDefinition: B+ is a good result.\n");
    else if (m>=60 && m<=64)
        printf("Grade: B\nGrade Points: 3.00\nDefinition: B is a good result.\n");
    else if (m>=55 && m<=59)
        printf("Grade: B-\nGrade Points: 2.75\nDefinition: B- is a satisfactory result.\n");
    else if (m>=50 && m<=54)
        printf("Grade: C+\nGrade Points: 2.50\nDefinition: C+ is a satisfactory result.\n");
    else if (m>=45 && m<=49)
        printf("Grade: C\nGrade Points: 2.25\nDefinition: C is a satisfactory result.\n");
    else if (m>=40 && m<=44)
        printf("Grade: D\nGrade Points: 2.00\nDefinition: D is a marginal result.\n");
    else if (m>=0 && m<=39)
        printf("Grade: F\nGrade Points: 00\nDefinition: Incomplete, Withdrawn, Not-Satisfied...\n");
    return 0;
Sample Output-1
GUB follows the UGC suggested uniform grading systems.
Here you can check the grade of the students based on marks by C language.

Enter marks: 83
Grade: A+
Grade Points: 4.00
Definition: A+ is an excellent result.

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 4.924 s
Press any key to continue.
Sample Output-2
GUB follows the UGC suggested uniform grading systems.
Here you can check the grade of the students based on marks by C language.

Enter marks: 60
Grade: B
Grade Points: 3.00
Definition: B is a good result.

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 2.297 s
Press any key to continue.
Sample Output-3
GUB follows the UGC suggested uniform grading systems.
Here you can check the grade of the students based on marks by C language.

Enter marks: 71
Grade: A-
Grade Points: 3.50
Definition: A- is a very good result.

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 16.406 s
Press any key to continue.
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